Asset management and inventory
The importance of a right decision making
A correct management and valuation of assets becomes an important process nowadays. Reports for labeling of assets and management of inventories allow the creation of a database adapted to each client, with the registration of the characteristics of each good: technical particularities, antiquity, state of conservation, etc.
In addition, the applications developed by Taxo allow the automatic update of all the elements inventoried in case of substitution or removal, with an immediate calculation of the variation of the total value.
Who is it for?
Any business, whatever its size is, can require an inventory of its goods in some situations. Nonetheless, this kind of works becomes more complex and demanding in case of businesses in which the amount of assets to be labelled and inventoried is large and, in addition, the total value of the company has to be calculated.
What is it for?
The reports performed by Taxo for labelling, valuation and management of inventories are useful for a number of purposes:
- Inventory valuation.
- Design and implementation of tools for a correct management of large properties (manual of asset management, labelling, etc.).
- Advice and comprehensive assistance in any circunstance that could affect large properties.