AEV member
Taxo belongs to the Spanish Association for Value Analysis (AEV)
Taxo entered AEV in 2014. The Spanish Association for Value Analysis is a non-profit entity which stands for ethical and transparent behaviours within the valuation sector. AEV partners aim to make their valuation works more rigorous, independent and detailed.
AEV holds the commitment to perform several professional standars for its partners, assuming as a starting point the best international practices from the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) and The European Group of Valuers’ Associations (TEGoVA).
With this certificate, Taxo reaffirms its commitment to professional integrity and competence, objectivity, confidentiality, self regulation, transparency and professional behaviour.
“The objective of every surveyor is to show, with the maximum certainty and rigour, the market value of the goods in a specific moment.“